Thursday, June 07, 2007


Bad dog! Bad!! BAD!!!

Yes, those sad little sprouts are what's left of the leeks. The kits are becoming quite bold; they were playing on the driveway this morning, and one got into in my herb bed, which is snug up against the house. We're torn between amusement at their antics and a growing sense of disposession.


Blogger Bix said...

Fox got leek belly.

That must be frustrating. All that cultivating. Ugh. Will you replant?

We have deer here that eat everything. When I first saw them, "Aw, look at the Bambi." After witnessing the vegetal devastation ... and being kept awake by their alien screech-barking ... I began to shoo them. One day they charged at me! I never ran so fast! I am now a prisoner in my home when the deer stroll by making a banquet of my azalea, hasta, and day lilies.

3:52 AM  
Blogger Angelina said...

That's such a tough conundrum. I get pretty fierce about my vegetable garden and my roses. I mean, I wouldn't kill any animals for intruding, but I will try quite a lot to keep them from ruining my garden. I lucked out with the deer in our neighborhood, they were deterred by a natural deer repellent and deer fencing. I know a lot of people who've not had such luck!

Still, those cubs are damn cute and it's fascinating to see such wildness so close to cultivation.

I just wish you weren't losing leeks because of them.

8:33 AM  

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