Thursday, July 20, 2006


I'm so tired. 12-hour days, no weekends, and always something undone. Urgently needs doing. The car, something's wrong with the car, so I took it in to the garage this morning. My mom drove me back and on the way home she told me she has cancer. Get home, deadlines, can't think, can't write. Google Mom's cancer. Far as I knew, you pee blood and then you die, but it seems they can fix it now with an old vaccine for tuberculosis. A 70% cure rate; who knew?

What if she's in that other 30%.

Contracts, gotta drop those contracts in the mail or they won't pay me. Go to our accountant's house to get last year's tax returns. We've been trying to get this damn thing straight since March. So now we have the number. We owe $15,000.

Go home. Look at the computer. Can't write; what's wrong with me, this is hack rote crap for shit's sake. Cat brought a baby bird into the house sometime today and ate it under the dining table; the rug's full of tiny grey down. The head; a foot, the miniscule stiff claw clutching nothing. A couple of pinfeathers and a fleck of blood. Get the shop vac and suck it up. Now the cat's mad at me. Where's my bird, asshole?

3. The diversity of finch species on the Galápagos Islands is an example of
a. temporal isolation.
b. coevolution.
c. convergent evolution.
d. divergent evolution.

4. The caterpillars of cabbage butterflies are able to eat mustard plants, which produce oils that are harmful to many insects. This is an example of
a. convergent evolution.
b. coevolution.
c. divergent evolution.
d. temporal isolation.

5. What is the total disappearance of a species from Earth?
a. convergent evolution
b. coevolution
c. extinction
d. divergent evolution

I can't parse this idiocy. And now I've broken the contract, the confidentiality part anyway. Maybe they'll sue me instead of paying me. The house needs to be painted. The garden is dying. I think we have carpenter ants. I can't fix this stuff. I'm too tired. But I have to fix this stuff, but my brain won't work. But. Fuck.

Medicate me, please. I'm SO tired.


Blogger calamitysue said...

Oh shit this didn't come up till I posted my fluff about flowers.
Meditation(well try anyway-everyday)Fish oil tablets and VITAMIN B-EXTRA STRENGTH!!!Long walks somewhere beautifull.Much love from your wonderfull,supportive partner.
I was just thinking of you today and that you must be busy.
This too will pass.
Im so sorry for your troubleX

12:52 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

Sorry; didn't mean to whine. I just need a vacation. Thanks, sweetie. Your fluff is like a mini-vacation.

3:52 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

Soon as the work stops, which should be any day now. Then I get to worry about starving to death. Ack!!

Oh, no, wait -- they're going to pay me for all the work I just completed. Right. Never mind.

6:28 PM  

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