Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Then there was a hole.

Then there was a hole., originally uploaded by calamitysue.

Weve been a bit under the floor-but we are emerging from the renovation.


Blogger Alison said...

Ooh, a clawfoot tub! The saddest day of our renovation was the day that they smashed up the old clawfoot tub. It was an odd lot and too small for modern bums (also too short to straighten your legs even a little), so it had to go. But we were on the third floor and nobody would even try to haul it down entire. So they just busted it up with a sledgehammer. I felt awful about it for days. And of course the replacement is inadequate: too shallow for a proper soak. We live in stingy times.

6:47 PM  
Blogger calamitysue said...

Ours is big-I tested last night and I can float in it outstretched .JUST Perfect.

10:10 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

>>>>>burning envy<<<<<<<<

I once stayed in a place with such a tub. A vast deep baptismal font of a tub that you could actually sink in. The water was up to your chin before it reached the overflow. Aaaahhhhh....

Actually the one here at the farmhouse is not bad. I still have to take it in turns to keep my knees and my shoulders submerged -- can't do both at once -- but it's yards better than the wading pool we left behind. I've rigged a cast-iron gooseneck standing lamp that I found at the dump so that it provides light over my shoulder to read by. I'm pretty sure I've got it wedged so that it won't tumble into the bath and electrocute me, but if I suddenly stop communicating...

9:19 PM  
Blogger Angelina said...

I have the same problem with my tub that Constance does. Mine is too shallow. When I lived in San Francisco I had the best claw foot bath tub EVER. Perfect size for me. My husband is 6'2" though and claimed it was too short.

That hole doesn't look like fun but the tub does!

6:52 PM  

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