Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Mutant Soup

Opened the mutant tonight because it was developing soft spots. It may have been still immature when harvested; the seeds are awfully flat. Still, I'm saving some and will send some your way, Sue. Made half of the flesh into a Thai-like soup. "Like" because we didn't have any tom kha paste, so I mashed up coriander, ginger (no galanga either), chili, lemon peel, and lime oil to approximate it; also, the coconut flavoring that seemed so promising when I bought it three years ago has aged, apparently, to the point where it remembers coconut, but only just). Not convinced that it worked... we haven't gotten around to eating it yet, because R distracted us with crab cakes.

Now, a quick trip down recipe lane:

Slice a couple of sweet potatoes into thick chips/fries (leave the peel on if it's sufficiently unblemished). Toss them in oilve oil with fresh-ground black pepper, ditto cumin seed, a sprinkle of cinnamon. Toss in some kosher salt to taste. Roast at 450(F) till soft and crisping slightly on the outside. These are great dipped in horseradish sauce or apple aioli.

Apple aioli: Grate and cook 1 tart apple in just enough water to soften it. Put in a blender with 1 Tb mustard, 6 cloves of garlic, dash of hot sauce, a dab of salt. Blend smooth, adding 1/2 up of olive oil in a slow stream at the end (still blending) to make a smooth, light sauce. Horrify everyone with your breath, nyah haaah!


Blogger calamitysue said...

Hmmmm Yum,chipies and aioli sounds like what I want to eat right now-the apple is a great idea.I make a thai pumpkin soup thingy and sometimes (when Im rich or lucky enough to get fresh scallops)I add them right at the end so they don't overcook,YUM. A's coriander patch has gone nuts and I am going into a curry frenzy-unfortunatly my camera is having a turn so I can't show you the full beauty of it.
The Mutant is fascinating-lets know what it tastes like.

8:26 PM  
Blogger calamitysue said...

Now what do I do with this giant cabbage?

8:30 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

Shred it fine, salt it heavily, and let it drain for several hours. Then rinse & let drain more till it's no longer sopping wet.

Make a dressing of lots of fresh dill, olive oil, lemon juice, capers, and lots of garlic. No, even more than that. Pepper and mustard too if you like, but no more salt! Toss the cabbage in the dressing. This slaw kills with savories.

4:48 AM  

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